The progressives have the unfortunate ability make anything political, and always to their political advantage by ‘WEAPONIZING’  them!  Such as:  Sex(how do you politicize biology?), Sexual Orientation, Weather,(how about a power grab on a global scale? is it the temperature or the control of hundreds of TRILLIONS of $?), education, media, religion, sports, income, where you live, how you live, what you drive, what you eat.  The list is endless!!  Anything to bring more control to them-the government.  Ah, but they have only YOUR interests in mind, they care only about you not the power & money.  Yea , right! 

There’s only been one person about which this is true, and                 HE DIED ON THE CROSS!!!

UP IS DOWN, DOWN IS UP, BLACK IS WHITE, WHITE IS BLACK (but only when to their advantage)   We are warned of this in GOD’ WORD.  They only have your interests in mind when it will gain them power. BECAUSE YOU HAVE POWER,  AND THE WANT IT.  The only way to gain it is to lie & deceive, & that’s how they retain it.   Do you really think they have you in mind after the they get your power?  Ask the Blacks and the poor.  Look at the big cities that have been RED for decades.  See how much their “caring” has done?

Now the latest weapon–The Constitution.  Lets turn it on it’s head and use it for our interests.  We’ll impeach, but not really( too many rules), we’ll have hearings, but not public, we’ll have witnesses, but unknown,  we’ll have whistle blowers, but only after re-defining them.   They are attempting to undue an election based on GOSSIP!  (Sounds a lot like Russian Collusion ) Think this is what the founders of our country had in mind when they drafted the constitution?  UP-DOWN, BLACK WHITE,  here we go again.  They would gladly tear up the Constitution (which is what they are doing) as long as THEY get to write the new one.  Trust them!  They only have you in mind!  BLACK-WHITE, and on and on.

Look at all their past successes.  USSR, NORTH KOREA, VENESUELA, NICARAGUA,  and on and on.  Well yea, but the reason they didn’t work is because WE  weren’t in charge!  The  undisguisable mark of a true progressive.  We, and only we (actually I & only I) know best.  Others may have tried, but WE (I) know better.  Don’t believe histories failures, believe I know better  UP-DOWN, and on and on.

So, will they actually GO NUCLEAR & IMPEACH?  Not yet.  Too many rules, too many chances for the TRUTH to come out.  To much time to hold the lies up to sunlight.  Only when they are convinced they will not win will they go DEFCON IIII.  my guess, early fall.  remember the timing.  It may not be the Ukraine, that’s a lot of time for such a fraud to survive, no matter how hard the try(the President has called their bluff, fun to watch).   Just remember what they believe–the fact the President is breathing is an impeachable offense!  I’m sure the next crisis is already past the planning stage.

So, It’s going to be an exciting year.  Keep up and enjoy!  Worry not.  The road is bumpy with lots of turns & twists, but keep your eye on the destination.  Enjoy the journey because you know the destination and that GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL!!!!!!!


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