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What is Turkey  doing?  NATO  don’t lose sight of GOG & MAGOG.  Impeachment?  what a joke! Unfortunately we have to be shown just how desperate for power the PROGRESSIVES really are before we can be rid of the.  They have no options but “scorched Earth” in hopes of removing the President.  They care not what they are doing to the country, only about holding on to power.  The next 13 months are going to be really bumpy.  They are just getting started!  They are nothing if not persistent!  FEAR NOT!  GOD IS IN CONTROL!  HE is not going to allow them to steal our country.  YET ! (TIMING IS EVERYTHING, THE NEXT TOPIC COULD CHANGE  EVERYTHING)


Fallen Angels?  have you noticed how UFO’s are now main stream  news. The NEWS, the MILITARY, SCIENCE.  no more SWAMP GAS!  What was not long ago considered delusion & insanity is now touted as plausible!  They’re coming soon.  don’t be fooled.  They are not “ALIENS”, as in creatures from another planet ,(which the want us to believe),  but are Satan’s soldiers, fallen from heaven, here to prepare for Satan’s arrival.    DO NOT BE DECIEVED       DO NOT BE DECIEVED      DO NOT BE DECIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The are not of FLESH &  BLOOD BUT HAVE BEEN KICKED OUT OF HEAVEN.  This is a fine point that will be lost in the frenzy of their arrival.     SATAN HAS BEEN LAYING THE GROUND WORK FOR THIS DECEPTION SINCE THE GARDEN OF EDEN.   He doesn’t want to be just Christ & Mohamad & Buda,  He wants to be the GOD of all GODS.  he will deceive all nations, except those that have the SEAL OF GOD in their forehead.  Those that know the KEY OF DAVID.   Never lose sight of the fact that the FALSE CHRIST arrives first to deceive the world.  If you hear CHRIST is here, or there, believe it not!  The first taken is lost to Satan!  Satan will arrive as a bolt of lightening.  Remember this!!!!!  Christ arrives as the light of the Sun, lighting the world from East to West, North to South.  Never lose sight that everything of consequence is to one end– Satan’s deception   With this fact as a lens to view the world, the new makes so much more sense.  The road map is complicated and confusing, but the key to reaching our goal is GOD’S WORD.  

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