Tag Archives: trump


Left or Right–Straight Ahead not an Option


Don’t think this is settled! Not until the Electoral College votes. Trump doesn’t do as he is told to do- he’s not a lifelong politician. One side has had dead people voting for decades. Any time it was close, you were never to question the outcome, just accept it and move on. Anyway, both sides were after the same goal-entrenching the career politicians. Enriching themselves and betraying their constituents. The will of the people or the good of the country are never to be considered.

Mr. Trump on the other hand doesn’t play by those rules. And it infuriates them all-BOTH SIDES. Can you imagine just how infuriated they will be if, by chance, Mr. Biden doesn’t become President after being so for six weeks. The Left will literally, if allowed to, burn the country down. Their dementia will know no bounds.

But most of all, no matter what the future holds, GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL. Moving us to his ultimate goal and the return of Christ.


We are at a Crossroad – One way or the other. There seems to be no middle ground. Society is at a crossroads. The nation is at a crossroads. The world is at a Crossroads. The war between Satan and God being played out here on Earth is at a very serious juncture. God’s plan for our salvation includes the temptation of the World by Satan, and we could very well be at the juncture where Satan’s deception carries the day.

The Options.

#1 Keep to the Right

The country retains President Trump and at least partial control of Congress by the Right. I see this as the likely outcome as there are some things in God’s prophesy that need to be fulfilled before Satan’s arrival as the Savior of the world that just would not get done without Trump. (Mid-East Peace for one) The election results will likely be a bone of contention, settled by the courts, making the Left ever-so more infuriated by Trump, as the already are convinced they have this thing WON. The House, the Senate, the Presidency. (just Tuesday Kamala Harris told us how President Trump was “done”- as people were voting in droves as she spoke-she has the audacity to believe that because people are voting early they are voting Democrat. Typical progressive arrogance.) Donald Trump is a hard sell. He is a very imperfect man. But who else could have withstood what the Left has thrown at him in the last four years and come out even stronger? But President Trump loves God and he loves his country. God has used very imperfect men throughout history. They are sprinkled throughout the Bible. How about David? He had people killed! Yet through his lineage came Christ. God uses “MEN” to complete His plan here on Earth and men are imperfect. Love of God, and faith in His power mean everything to Him. God will overlook many imperfections as long as you have faith in Him and His Son. But the progressives can already feel this victory in their gut. It is finally going to all be theirs, and they can change this democracy into the progressive fascist state they all dream of. And when it doesn’t materialize, watch out. If you think the last four years were contentious, “YOU ‘AINT SEEN NOTHING YET.

Other things that indicate the Progressives won’t take control:

50 is the God’s number for Completion. They won’t get 2 new States bringing 4 new Senators for their side.

God will not allow “packing the Court” which would instantly destroy our Constitution and the United States would be become a “Banana Republic” where courts are an arm of the ruling elites.

When Satan takes over, he’s the Salvation of the world, not just half of it.

God oversaw the creation of this country and I don’t think he will allow it to be stolen; when it is lost it will be given away freely by all but the very few.

Rev 10:7
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

And when the angles of Revelation “Sound” what is their sound? They are as the sound of Trumpets . And what is the sound of a trumpet? It is a TRUMP!

I just can’t conceive of God allowing the Promised Land of all the decedents of Israel being stolen. God created Adam and then created Eve from Adam because the Earth needed a farmer. Who feeds the World? The United States feeds the world food for their bodies and the Word of God for their Souls. I don’t see this country perishing until Satan himself appears as Christ. ( but my judgement is clouded by my desire for God to prevail without putting his children to the test to see if they actually know God, but God must keep his word to Satan).

Also, if the United States becomes the Progressive State they long for, when Satan arrives, proclaiming to be “THE GOD ABOVE ALL GODS” what will they do, for there is no God, except the State? Big problem. They would lose all authority. (however they would find a way to lie out of it)


Turn Left 180 Degrees

The alternative is a total Progressive government, headed by Kamala Harris. They would have control of both Houses of Congress and would “Pack the Court” to bring the Court to their side. This would allow them to completely decimate the Bill of Rights. They will take no prisoners. There will be no guns in the hands of ordinary citizens. There will be no religious freedom. There will be no right of assemble. (look at the Covid -19 guidelines.; do you think they would hesitate to find an excuse to strip you of all your rights?) And then there is the right to free speech. Look at the college campuses today. They literally say free speech is not a right if it disagrees with that they want to hear. Today’s media think that the Left is the only path to a true free and just America, but they will be the first to find out just how “un-free” and “un-just” it has become. If they don’t “tow-the-line” they will be destroyed. The examples of this already today are many and varied. The left decries the plight of minorities and the underclass, but when they are done using them for their ascent to power they will have no use for them,( What has the left done for these people over the last 70 years but decry their plight. When they have been in control of the levers of power, they did next to nothing because actually helping them pull themselves up would deprive the them of their single most effective cry for change:”RACISM”. Actual change would destroy the Left.

The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress did more for minorities in three years than the Left did in seventy. (Don’t think the minorities don’t realize this. They just cant say it out loud. We can’t have a whole country of “Uncle Toms”)

With the Left in control of the United States, Satan’s desire to destroy “God’s Promised Land of the End Times” would be complete. PLEASE NOTICE: I never say Democrats. Democrats are just the “ignorant” bystanders being used by the far Left to reach their goals. If you think they will be able to keep their Democrat ideals after the Progressives gain power, THINK AGAIN. If you aren’t a true radical Progressive they eat you alive. Just watch AOC! She’s a Democrat in name only; just to get on the ballot. She is actually a progressive Fascist. They, and only they, know best.)

I know which way I believe God’s plan takes us, and I really, really hope I’m right. I don’t want to see the United States destroyed until Satan shows up! That said, If the Left does take control, don’t dismay. God is always in control. Their wining would mean that Satan’s return as the FAKE CHRIST is imminent. And that’s a good thing. It means that for those of us not deceived by the False Christ and his minnions the first resurrection is upon us. AMEN, AMEN!


God Bless

Pastor Smith


Peace, Him? Really? This buffoon of a President has managed to completely change 70 years of world economic policy, find the money to strengthen our border, limit terrorist access to the U.S., revive the U.S. economy to a place it has never been, gotten NATO members to pay more for their own defense, negotiated bi-lateral and tr-i lateral economic treaties, stopped North Korean missiles from flying over Japan, and on and on. Now the Buffoon will attempt to bring actual peace to the Middle East while enduring a constant on going political coup by the Deep State and the Left. I thank the Lord our God everyday for sending us such a buffoon.

He told us we would grow tired of winning. Only the left is tired of it, and only because it is they that aren’t winning. Now he is going to try what many others have tried, but never succeeded. Doesn’t he realize it can’t be accomplished? Fortunately this Nation Blessed of God, has a leader that does not know the word “NO”; Not the concept of impossible; not the embarrassment of failure because failure is not an option. Just because Peace in the Middle East has always been impossibly complex is the reason this man has taken it on.

So far he has thrown a hundred balls in the air and has yet to drop a single one, all while he has the most dishonest press and apposition party clawing at him and shaking the ground he walks on. Yet he fails at nothing. What is his response. Ignore them as best he can and do the business of the country. The people and only the people of this nation come first. Always. (this is incomprehensible to the power hungry; they project- he has to be just as corrupt as they!)

Why Peace Now

Rev 10:7-11:9

7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. 8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

The Seventh Angel (the last) sounded, he gave John the Word of God. It was Sweet to read and understand, but bitter to live. Especially in these times.

11 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Give the Court to the Gentiles. Where is the Court. The East side of the Temple. The exact area The Presidents plan offers to the Palestinians (gentiles) for their Capitol. After the Palestinians accept this plan and occupy the East side of Jeusalem, they will have forty two months before God’s Judgement comes. (28 days per Moon X 42 = 1176 days)

They will Allow The Earth No Peace

3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

God’s two Witnesses will prophesy against the state of affairs on earth. Iniquity will reign. “Religion” will have no clue to the situation and will appose these messengers from God. Though the great deception is less than a little over three years away, the World believes the Return of Christ is just around the corner. They are right, but SO, SO Wrong. The False Christ comes first. The witnesses have 1260 days to prophesy. That’s 84 days before the Gentiles occupy the Court Without. Keep your eye on this peace process. It’s going to be like an appointment calendar.

The two witnesses will arrive 84 days(3 -28day months) before the Peace Process gives the area to the Palenistians. Keep watch. God keeps His Promises.

seventh Trump
What do you Sound on a Trumpet?

Why President TRUMP?

Revelation 10:7 The Seventh, the last, angle begins to sound. And what have the other Six Anfges sounded? “TRUMP ets” This is the most obvious I have ever see the Lord. (However NETANYAHU, in Hebrew means “ONE CHOSEN OF GOD”) It’s like the Lord has brought out the hammer to hit us on the head.


What could be more befitting to lead to the destruction of the god of Earth (Satan) than a plan for peace. I love the irony. God is so wonderful.

This is getting really exciting!!!!!


TRUMP: Lincoln with orange hair!

Similarities Abound

Lincoln wore a top hat, covering his unkempt hair, Trump wears a MEGA hat covering his orange locks. Both use it as a signature adornment, indicating their link with the common man. This is just one of many similarities between the two men; many more than you would think: TRUMP; LINCOLN WITH ORANGE HAIR!

The Nation in Crisis

Each man entered the Presidency with the Nation already fractured. Lincoln had slavery, Trump has ILLEGAL immigration. Both problems have the possibility of destroying the Union. When Lincoln took office, seven states had already seceded. When Trump took office there were numerous sanctuary cities: places where local governments chose to ignore Federal Laws they don’t like. If you don’t like a law, change it. But, The South knew it couldn’t prevail in changing the government’s position because the majority of Americans were against slavery. Their solution, succeed. Today we have sanctuary cities doing the same thing. They are aware they don’t have the majority on their side to change the Nations laws to their liking, so they just ignore the.m We even have a sanctuary State now.


Lincoln ‘s Nation was divided North and South, Trump’s Nation is divided Coasts and Center. When the South was faced with the choice of succession or no slavery, they chose succession. With the Coasts now facing the decision between stopping ILLEGAL immigration or ignoring the law, they become sanctuaries. They politically secede. (It’s already been shown you can’t secede) The South went to war to save their slavery.
The Coasts are going to war the preserve their ILLEGAL immigration. But, this time the Civil War is Political. Let’s hope it remains that way.

Why ILLEGAL Immigration?

Why would anyone want ILLEGAL immigration? Immigration built this country, but the complete disregard for our immigration laws will destroy it. Trump will not let this happen! The left wants ILLEGAL immigration to continue because they realize they can no longer fool enough of the people to remain in power. Their policies are failing all around them. Programs are becoming no longer affordable, their cities are self destructing. Their only desperate solution is to change the makeup of the country so they can retain power. How? ILLEGAL immigration. They are willing to overturn a national election if it will help prevent the enforcement of our Federal immigration laws and give them time for the population to change. They want us to think they are doing this out of compassion. They are doing it to RETAIN POWER. This is where the true hatred for trump comes from. The Left is in fear of loosing it’s way of life. It’s control over government.

The End Justifies The Means

The left is willing to do anything to preserve it’s hold on power. They have thrown everything they can come up with at President Trump, to no avail. And they’re not done, but no matter, they’re just digging their grave even deeper. They attack the institutions of our Nation: the Supreme Court, Free Speech, our educational system, the Constitution, our morals, even our sex. But, they will not win. Trump, with GOD’S help will not allow the nation to be lost. Or, put another way, God, guiding Trump, will save the Union! He did it with Lincoln. HE”LL do it again. HE will not allow the Nation HE created to be stolen!

Where Do We Go From Here?

This is not a fight about Republicans vs Democrats, it is a fight for the soul of our country. A country founded on ideals from God. But, as humans, we fall short, as does out country at times, and we must do all we can to rectify those sins. However, there is , nor ever has been, a Nation that reflects God’s principles more. Peace, Charity, Honor,Human Rights, Forgiveness. Keep up the fight, God is always in control. President Trump will not give up. The fight will be won. But remember, even if this bunch of ideologues is defeated next year, and they will be, this fight is against an idea-PROGRESSIVE-ISM-HUMANISM-THE Irrelevance OF GOD. This is just another battle in the war between God and Satan. Don’t get complaisant. The next battle will be even more intense. It could be when Satan shows up. WOW!!! Pastor Smith


P.S. There’re many more similarities I’ll discuss in future Posts.