Tag Archives: netanyahu

Netanyahu’s Nightmare

This week the Iraqi army launched an offensive to take back Tiqrit from Isis.  Did you notice who was on the ground helping them?  None other than the Iranian Revolutionary Guard . One of the most active international terrorist organizations on the planet.   Invited in by the Iraqi government and with absolutely no dissent from the United States.  Most likely because the U.S. orchestrated the whole thing.  Part of the”nuclear deal” Why now?  Because the next deadline is looming and Iran had to “buy” our trust.  Unbelievably  naive.(see raiser of taxes, this blog-this was predicted months ago)

Thanks to the US, Iraq has just been annexed by Iran.  Military on the ground, holding land.  Do you think they will just leave and let Iraq have the areas back?    It will take a while to come to fruition, but Iran now has direct access to Israel.  Is there any reason Netanyahu  is worried about his countries existence?  Their “greatest ally” just gave their greatest enemy a superhighway to their border.  Unbelievable!

It’s interesting that the press in the US is more concerned about the speech Netanyahu is going to give that the idea of a nuclear Iran.  That seems to be of no concern to them.  If I remember correctly, the US didn’t think much of a nuclear Cuba.  Funny how what was good for the US is not an option for our ally.

Stay tuned.  This gets very interesting, very quickly!

Love to All, and God Bless as we see GOD REMAINS IN CONTROL!

Your Pastor