Similarities Abound
Lincoln wore a top hat, covering his unkempt hair, Trump wears a MEGA hat covering his orange locks. Both use it as a signature adornment, indicating their link with the common man. This is just one of many similarities between the two men; many more than you would think: TRUMP; LINCOLN WITH ORANGE HAIR!
The Nation in Crisis
Each man entered the Presidency with the Nation already fractured. Lincoln had slavery, Trump has ILLEGAL immigration. Both problems have the possibility of destroying the Union. When Lincoln took office, seven states had already seceded. When Trump took office there were numerous sanctuary cities: places where local governments chose to ignore Federal Laws they don’t like. If you don’t like a law, change it. But, The South knew it couldn’t prevail in changing the government’s position because the majority of Americans were against slavery. Their solution, succeed. Today we have sanctuary cities doing the same thing. They are aware they don’t have the majority on their side to change the Nations laws to their liking, so they just ignore the.m We even have a sanctuary State now.
Lincoln ‘s Nation was divided North and South, Trump’s Nation is divided Coasts and Center. When the South was faced with the choice of succession or no slavery, they chose succession. With the Coasts now facing the decision between stopping ILLEGAL immigration or ignoring the law, they become sanctuaries. They politically secede. (It’s already been shown you can’t secede) The South went to war to save their slavery.
The Coasts are going to war the preserve their ILLEGAL immigration. But, this time the Civil War is Political. Let’s hope it remains that way.
Why ILLEGAL Immigration?
Why would anyone want ILLEGAL immigration? Immigration built this country, but the complete disregard for our immigration laws will destroy it. Trump will not let this happen! The left wants ILLEGAL immigration to continue because they realize they can no longer fool enough of the people to remain in power. Their policies are failing all around them. Programs are becoming no longer affordable, their cities are self destructing. Their only desperate solution is to change the makeup of the country so they can retain power. How? ILLEGAL immigration. They are willing to overturn a national election if it will help prevent the enforcement of our Federal immigration laws and give them time for the population to change. They want us to think they are doing this out of compassion. They are doing it to RETAIN POWER. This is where the true hatred for trump comes from. The Left is in fear of loosing it’s way of life. It’s control over government.
The End Justifies The Means
The left is willing to do anything to preserve it’s hold on power. They have thrown everything they can come up with at President Trump, to no avail. And they’re not done, but no matter, they’re just digging their grave even deeper. They attack the institutions of our Nation: the Supreme Court, Free Speech, our educational system, the Constitution, our morals, even our sex. But, they will not win. Trump, with GOD’S help will not allow the nation to be lost. Or, put another way, God, guiding Trump, will save the Union! He did it with Lincoln. HE”LL do it again. HE will not allow the Nation HE created to be stolen!
Where Do We Go From Here?
This is not a fight about Republicans vs Democrats, it is a fight for the soul of our country. A country founded on ideals from God. But, as humans, we fall short, as does out country at times, and we must do all we can to rectify those sins. However, there is , nor ever has been, a Nation that reflects God’s principles more. Peace, Charity, Honor,Human Rights, Forgiveness. Keep up the fight, God is always in control. President Trump will not give up. The fight will be won. But remember, even if this bunch of ideologues is defeated next year, and they will be, this fight is against an idea-PROGRESSIVE-ISM-HUMANISM-THE Irrelevance OF GOD. This is just another battle in the war between God and Satan. Don’t get complaisant. The next battle will be even more intense. It could be when Satan shows up. WOW!!! Pastor Smith
P.S. There’re many more similarities I’ll discuss in future Posts.