Tag Archives: kenites

Isis’ Return

Turkey’s incursion into Syria is causing great disruption in the region.  But as the word says “these things must be”.  Isis was destroyed, and near extinction as most of the leadership was imprisoned in Northern Syria.  Held by the Kurds. 

But, as the incursion continues, the Kurds are fleeing, leaving the Isis leadership free to escape and regroup.  Their Supreme Leader, ABU-BAKR-al-BAGDHADI hasn’t been heard from for a few years, but he’s still out there. ( Daniel 10:20-21)    Isis will reappear just as strong as ever, and the US will leave their demise up to the powers of the region,  And they will do nothing.

Al-Bagdhadi  will rebuild the group to a “small people” and be accepted on the world stage.  Then, he will die, not of wound or sword, but natural causes, and Satan will take over the Kingdom with flatteries.

will rebuild the group to a “small people” and be accepted on the world stage.  Then, he will die, not of wound or sword, but natural causes, and Satan will take over the Kingdom with flatteries.

These events are a ways off, but keep your eyes focused and your ears attuned for they will happen.   As we move along, events will fall into place moving us toward this outcome.  Be aware, things can change very rapidly.  We may think these things are far away, but like a watchman, if he knows when the thief comes, he bothers not to watch.

GOD is always in control moving us to the fruition of HIS plan.  The clues are everywhere, everyday.  KEEP WATCH!


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