Tag Archives: impeachment

The New King

The King T-Shirt Available Only Here SHOP

the new king
The Greatest Honor to Be Bestowed Is Now His, King of the Anti-Swamp

The New King

Today’s the day President Trump becomes King. The Democrats have accused President Trump of thinking he was a King, and today the Dems are going to make him one. They are going to give him the Crown that he will wear as a Badge of Honor when they vote to impeach him. He promised, if elected, he would drain the Swamp, root out the corruption, change the direction of foreign policy, reign in the FBI, NSA and CIA. He was going to completely turn Washington upside down. And that’s what he did.

I’ve Never Hated Anyone

What would show just how disgusted the establishment is with him more then impeaching him? Nothing. He is going to be the King of everything NOT Washington, NOT Deep State, NOT corrupt, NOT interventionist, NOT ruling class. No wonder they hate him. He is the ANTI-WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. He is against everything the establishment is about. I think it’s fitting that The Democrats in the House of Representatives are the ones to vote President Trump the Highest Honor that could be bestowed on him. TRAITOR to the Status Quo. King of the DEPLORABLE S. The people that make this country great.

trumps coronation
Let The Coronation Begin

The Next Step

After being made King, it’s only fitting that the Nation hold a great CORONATION CEREMONY. It should be quite a wonder to watch the Senate at work. The Coronation Ceremony will show just how much the New King loves his Country and Subjects; What he has done for them so far, what he plans to do for them in the future. It will give his followers a chance to display the ground swell of support the New King really has. The Deplorable s will lavish praise and gifts of money on their King.

The Coronation Ceremony will display to all the World just how UN-WASHINGTON the New King is. He will be handed the SCEPTER OF THE SUMP PUMP which he will use lavishly. He will be CROWNED with the POWER OF TRUTH, and he will govern with benevolence for his Country and ruthlessness against those who would destroy it.

voting for the king
Can’t Wait ‘Till Next November

The Aftermath

The establishment has no comprehension of what they have created. They have tunnel vision. Their World view contains only Russian Collusion and the Ukraine. There is nothing else. Yesterday Maxine Watters stated she has no facts, but she knows with absolute certainty that Russia got Trump Elected. The fact that Mueller spent 2 years and millions of dollars and found nothing has no bearing on her beliefs. This is the clinical definition of DELUSIONAL. ( Also called TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME !) Everything the Dems will continue to do will be an attempt to fulfill their delusion (definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome). It’s going to be entertaining to watch.

Just wait until President Trump is free to do as he pleases. He will have no need to worry about the consequences of his actions draining the Swamp, or revealing the treachery of the Deep State or exposing corruption at home or internationally. What can they do, Impeach him again? I don’t think even they are so delusional they would want to crown him twice. He will be free to clean up the messes of D.C. as he pleases. Just as he promised he would do. The establishment has no idea of the bulldozer headed their way.

And The Deplorables

The Deplorables will be ecstatic., They have a champion they can count on to have their best interests and the interests of the U.S.A. as his guiding light at all times. The number Deplorables is growing and it will not stop, and their enthusiasm will never wain. They have a KING!

Enjoy the show.


Nancy Has a problem

nancy and the future
The Future of the Democratic Party. Glory Be!

All those Bombshells?

Now that Nancy has allowed Schiff his day in the spotlight. What will she do with this “non-impeachment”? They uncovered nothing but hearsay and innuendo, hurt feelings, and proved to the American public just how prevalent the Deep State really is. Many had the complaint that the President was not following standard foreign policy rules. He was crossing the State Department. This just can’t be allowed to continue. I mean, who does he think he is, ‘WE ARE THE STATE DEPARTMENT-WE ARE FOREIGN POLICY” he’s just a buffoon elected by the worst America has.

And now the Mueller Report

Since Nancy and the crew fell flat with the Ukraine, lets go back and see if we can assist Mr. Mueller. Since he couldn’t find any collusion after investigating two and a half years with the full weight of the United Stated Government his disposal, maybe Mr. Schiff can finally get someone to believe one of his lies. If they drag the Russia Collusion Story into the impeachment process, it will the end of the Democratic Party as we know it.

nancy and insanity
Definition of Insanity?

You Know The Definition of Insanity

How many times have the Progressives gone after Trump? It’s getting to where they throw a new charge at him every day, and nothings ever proven. Just because they know how underhanded and corrupt they would be in any of these situations, they just can not phantom anyone not doing the same. Over and over and over and over they try. Every time; the same outcome- Never changes. But, they never stop trying. That’s called insanity. Will Nancy learn?

trump in court
How Often Does Trump Loose in Court?

Will Nancy Move To Defcon 4?

Here’s Nancy’s dilemma. If she doesn’t proceed with the situation and does not present Articles of Impeachment, she will have egg on her face, the Ultra Left will revolt, the Democratic Party will be in tatters( it already is), but there will still be a Democratic Party. But if she sends this mess to the Senate, she will have lost all control. She will have called Defcon 4, and President Trump and the Republicans have the BIG RED BUTTON. When does President Trump ever lose legal fights. He never starts them unless he knows he has the upper hand.

pelosi loses control
This Circus may have REAL Elephants!

What Could Trump Actually Do?

You think this man doesn’t know how to put on a show? Hold the audience to the end, and the WOW them with the conclusion. He has had almost three years to compile his witness list and the necessary documents-The Bidens, Comey, Clapper, Schiff, Ukrainians,the British, the Italians and so on. And if Nancy allows Schiff to bring the Russia Collusion Story along , there will be no holes barred. Think of it: Hillary, Bill, Loretta Lynche, Eric Holder, Brennan, Steele, Susan Rice, maybe even Barrak Obama Imagine, all of these and more, UNDER OATH, in PUBLIC. It will be fascinating to see which vulture starts feasting first! I know the Media will do all it can to downplay the fog the issues, but some of the revelations will have such sharp edges they just won’t spin.

new democratic party


If this goes to trial in the Senate, President Trump will employ the “SCORCHED EARTH” policy, if the Republicans will let him. I think they will. I think even they are fed-up with the Progressives and their hatred. President Trump will cut out the cancer from the top down in all of the Deep State. The CIA, FBI, State Department, NSA, IRS, Defense, and anything else that needs excising. Mr. Trump is a bomb thrower, and if Nancy gives him the opportunity, he will DRAIN THE SWAMP, BULLDOZE IT FLAT AND PUT UP A PARKING LOT! He like to blow things up because he has the leadership and foresight to know what to do after the explosion.

What Will Nancy Do?

Nancy has the Political Acumen to realize the horrible path she is on. And I hope she has the strength to resist the Ultra Left of her party, to take the Black Eye, save her Party and spare the Country anymore turmoil. In fact, part of me wishes she would move away from the cliff for the benefit of the Country. BUT SHE WILL NOT. Nancy will be persuaded that it’s all or nothing, and I’m afraid the center of the party is to weak to bring any common sense to the decision.

The Aftermath

The only good to come from all this is the possibility of relegating the Progressives to the marginalized sidelines again, and the American People regaining control of their Government. I has taken the Progressives one hundred years to recover from the disastrous mess that was Woodrow Wilson Presidency. (His greatest Legacy-The Progressive Income Tax-without it the Swamp would never have existed and today’s mess could never have been) It’s sad to see how history repeats itself, but when actual history is never taught, what can we expect? By this time next year the political landscape will be unrecognizable compared to today.

Stay tuned. Never fear. It’s going to be a very interesting year. In fact it should be rather a lot of fun. The best part is we know the outcome. GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL.


impeachment-weapons of war

The progressives have the unfortunate ability make anything political, turning them into weapons of war! Such as: Sex(how do you politicize biology?), Sexual Orientation, Weather,(how about a power grab on a global scale? is it the temperature or the control of hundreds of TRILLIONS of $?), education, media, religion, sports, income, where you live, how you live, what you drive, what you eat. The list is endless!! Anything to bring more control to them-the government.

Ah, but they have only YOUR interests in mind, they care only about you not the power & money. Yea , right! There’s only been one person about which this is true, and   HE DIED ON THE CROSS!!! UP IS DOWN, DOWN IS UP, BLACK IS WHITE, WHITE IS BLACK (but only when to their advantage) We are warned of this in GOD’ WORD. They only have your interests in mind when it will gain them power. BECAUSE YOU HAVE POWER, AND THE WANT IT. The only way to gain it is to lie & deceive, & that’s how they retain it.

Do you really think they have you in mind after the they get your power? Ask the Blacks and the poor. Look at the big cities that have been RED for decades. See how much their “caring” has done? Now the latest weapon–The Constitution. Lets turn it on it’s head and use it for our interests. We’ll impeach, but not really( too many rules), we’ll have hearings, but not public, we’ll have witnesses, but unknown, we’ll have whistle blowers, but only after re-defining them.

They are attempting to undue an election based on GOSSIP! (Sounds a lot like Russian Collusion ) Think this is what the founders of our country had in mind when they drafted the constitution? UP-DOWN, BLACK WHITE, here we go again. They would gladly tear up the Constitution (which is what they are doing) as long as THEY get to write the new one. Trust them! They only have you in mind! BLACK-WHITE, and on and on. Look at all their past successes.

USSR, NORTH KOREA, VENESUELA, NICARAGUA, and on and on. Well yea, but the reason they didn’t work is because WE weren’t in charge! The undisguisable mark of a true progressive. We, and only we (actually I & only I) know best. Others may have tried, but WE (I) know better. Don’t believe histories failures, believe I know better UP-DOWN, and on and on.

So, will they actually GO NUCLEAR & IMPEACH? Not yet. Too many rules, too many chances for the TRUTH to come out. To much time to hold the lies up to sunlight. Only when they are convinced they will not win will they go DEFCON IIII. my guess, early fall. remember the timing. It may not be the Ukraine, that’s a lot of time for such a fraud to survive, no matter how hard the try(the President has called their bluff, fun to watch). Just remember what they believe–the fact the President is breathing is an impeachable offense! I’m sure the next crisis is already past the planning stage.

So, It’s going to be an exciting year. Keep up and enjoy! Worry not. The road is bumpy with lots of turns & twists, but keep your eye on the destination. Enjoy the journey because you know the destination and that GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL!!!!!!!