Tag Archives: famine

behold a pale horse

Keep an eye on the swine epidemic blanketing eastern Asia.  China alone has over 1  million dead pigs.  North Korea claims they had a small outbreak last May, but nothing since.  Ariel photos indicate otherwise.  We know how truthful the KDR is!  It is feared it will spread to Russia and re-infect China.  South Korea is taking extreme measures to stop its invasion there.

Realize that in this part of the world pork supplies almost 100% of their protein, and this could lead to widespread famine.  Some can be replaced  with soybeans, but there aren’t enough soybeans in the world to make up this loss. (if you wonder if China will sign the trade deal announced yesterday, I say yes.  They need our food badly.  This will put pressure on world food prices.  Praise GOD for our farmers.)

And if the swine plague continues to spread to Russia and reoccurs in China, the ensuing famine could effect one quarter of the worlds population.  THE PALE HORSE   Rev-6:5 – 6:8 

If this effects Russia as well it could be very destabilizing,  leading to adventurism with its old friends.

Look at what  Turkey is doing.  Divorcing themselves from NATO and the U.S.,  which will bring tough economic sanctions and the ensuing destabilization.  The old regions of GOG & MAGOG can become really unstable very quickly.  Don’t forget about Iran and the mess it’s in.

World events are moving quickly, and you can see how they are all connected when you understand GOD’ plan and all the knowledge he gives us  through his word.

This becomes more exciting, every day!  Follow along!  GOD’S in control-ALWAYS!

Questions?  Please submit any & all you have.