Tag Archives: dragon

Time for the Great EarthQuake is Here


Preparing for the Fallen Angels to return!

With the total eclipse of the sun happening next Friday, March 20th, it’s time for the great quake to occur.  I think it would be really significant if it occurred during the eclipse, adding even more insight for those with eyes to see.

I still believe the quake will occur in the United States,  and most likely on the west coast, as this is the only region of the U.S. to be affected by the eclipse.  And, as this is to be a great shaking, I can see if effecting areas from Los Angeles to San Francisco. This area is very earthquake prone, and is not the most “GOD” friendly part of the U.S.   An earthquake effecting an area this large  would be very catastrophic, effecting the whole of the U.S. economically.  Much of the imports & exports of our country go through this area, and if it were disrupted for a long time, products would become scarce and expensive very quickly.  Preparation is key.  especially food stuffs.

This quake is the sign to watch for, as it is the only sign not predictable from astronomy, and it is to be the first of the signs.  If I have been blessed by GOD and allowed to understand these signs, it will happen very, very soon.  If it does not happen, then I do not understand GOD’S plan as I thought.  This is very possible.  I am a watchmen,  just as you, and GOD reveals as he sees fit.  I do my best, with HIS help, and pray for guidance.

I pray often that I am not leading anyone astray with my perceived insight, but I also can not withhold this knowledge from others if I should be right, which I feel I am.

This will be a week of great anticipation and expectations.  If the great earthquake does occur, we are undoubtedly in for a very interesting and fulfilling three and one half years!

Exactly when the fallen angels will come, I don’t know, but I think it will just after Passover, April 5th.  And don’t forget, the two witnesses will arrive beforehand.  I think the two witnesses will come without notice, but the fallen angels will come with all the fanfare of “FIRST CONTACT”.  But remember, even though they will claim to be “Aliens”, they are Satan’s soldiers.  I think very few will arrive at first, until they have convinced us they are benevolent.  Then the rest will arrive, thousand of them, in fact, 7000 of them.

This will be the greatest thing to have ever happened to mankind! -most will think.   When they really are one of the worst thing to ever happen , as they are preparing mankind for the great deceiver who will arrive later.

With all their technology and knowledge of the universe mankind will be at their feet.  What a shame! ( don’t forget they like the “daughters of man” and will take wives soon after arrival)

I can hardly wait.  I hope I am right on the timing of GOD’S plan, and await fruition, as do you all.

I will speak with you again soon, right or wrong.

GOD Bless all

Be  patient – only 5 days left!

Pastor Brent Smith