ISIS sent Jordan the message that it will treat the nation as a traitor. One Muslim attacking another. This is a great mistake for ISIS. King Abdullah declared after the burning alive of their pilot that he would kill them, and their wives and children and burn their house to the ground, and bury it all. (a rather different response than “their Ideology is Bankrupt”!) Yahvah declares in the book of Revelation the the Locust Army will not access the Ammanites & Moabites.(please see The Locust Army Of Revelation – this website for more on this) Radical Islam will not prevail in Jordan, so ISIS has taken on a formidable adversary. Rest assured Jordan will remain a moderate Muslim state. The true GOD – Yahvah- is in control. HE is keeping a promise he made to these people in the Old Testament.
The two witnesses and the fallen angels are due here on Earth very, very soon, and with their guidance, the middle east, including ISIS and its caliphate will flirt with peace. In fact when Satan appears as the god of all gods, even the caliphate is won over with flatteries. When the world is proclaiming Peace, Peace, Peace the End Is very near! Satan thinks he is about to win everything!
Keep your eyes open and your faith strong.
God Bless you All
Your Pastor