(there many references to previous posts. If you’re not familiar with my blog, please take the time to read all the references. It will help you greatly)
Why must we go Left? Though the loss of the election by President Trump is a cruel disappointment, the way left is actually a sign of God’s plan in action. Why? Because the circumstances necessary for Satan’s appearance here on Earth can only be achieved after the destruction of the United States as it has existed for the last 245 years.
We Need The Beast
Satan will not return until “The Beast” is in place on Earth. What is “The Beast”? It is a system whereby only those with the “MARK” can buy or sell or work. It will control all commerce throughout the World. How do we get there? By the death of the “Great Whore“, today’s patchwork of financial systems. It will die in a day, near instantaneously when all the economic markets of the World collapse due to their unsustainable debt.
Is the Death of America Necessary?
For all the World to follow the Beast, America will have to forfeit it’s sovereignty. The Constitution states only Congress has the power over monetary policy and currency. How do we get around this? By ignoring the constitution, as written. How do we do that? By getting the Supreme court to “interpret” the Constitution in a way that allows a world organization to control our previously sovereign economic rights . How do we do that? By getting a leftist majority on the Supreme Court. How does that happen? Packing the Court. How does that happen? By controlling the Presidency and both Houses of Congress. Look for both Senate races in Georgia to go democratic. (if they don’t win both seats we’ll have to wait for them to pack the Senate by adding a couple of states- God’s time frame is His time frame) If that happens, we are on our way. And very quickly, I might add.
Events to Watch For
1)World wide Economic Collapse
2) Creation by the seven great economic powers, of a new, worldwide economic and monetary system.
3)Forgiveness of all debt, just bow down to the Beast.( only 7000 in the whole World will resist)
4)The United States joining the World Wide organization.(probably heading it)
5) The Organization will be controlled by Seven Countries, with 10 Representatives.
6)When the Fallen Angels arrive with Satan, Satan will replace the ten heads of the organization with “Soldiers” of his own.

Satan’s Arrival
Satan’s appearance will happen five months before the forty two month anniversary of the Palestinian‘s accepting Israel’s peace deal, and creating their own country centered to the west of the Temple in Jerusalem. Watch for this! This is THE most important event to watch for. This sets in motion the timeline explicitly described in God’s word. The other markers may happen soon and in rapid succession, of not. But when the Kenites get their own country, the timeline is set. They have only three and one half years (forty two months).
I don’t know when these events will happen, but they will happen and you must be prepared for them and their consequences. You won’t find the destruction of America so disheartening when you know why it’s happening. God’s Word brings comfort to all situations. I feel the beginning events are imminent. All things happen for a reason-to fulfill God’s Plan.