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The New King
Today’s the day President Trump becomes King. The Democrats have accused President Trump of thinking he was a King, and today the Dems are going to make him one. They are going to give him the Crown that he will wear as a Badge of Honor when they vote to impeach him. He promised, if elected, he would drain the Swamp, root out the corruption, change the direction of foreign policy, reign in the FBI, NSA and CIA. He was going to completely turn Washington upside down. And that’s what he did.

What would show just how disgusted the establishment is with him more then impeaching him? Nothing. He is going to be the King of everything NOT Washington, NOT Deep State, NOT corrupt, NOT interventionist, NOT ruling class. No wonder they hate him. He is the ANTI-WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. He is against everything the establishment is about. I think it’s fitting that The Democrats in the House of Representatives are the ones to vote President Trump the Highest Honor that could be bestowed on him. TRAITOR to the Status Quo. King of the DEPLORABLE S. The people that make this country great.

The Next Step
After being made King, it’s only fitting that the Nation hold a great CORONATION CEREMONY. It should be quite a wonder to watch the Senate at work. The Coronation Ceremony will show just how much the New King loves his Country and Subjects; What he has done for them so far, what he plans to do for them in the future. It will give his followers a chance to display the ground swell of support the New King really has. The Deplorable s will lavish praise and gifts of money on their King.
The Coronation Ceremony will display to all the World just how UN-WASHINGTON the New King is. He will be handed the SCEPTER OF THE SUMP PUMP which he will use lavishly. He will be CROWNED with the POWER OF TRUTH, and he will govern with benevolence for his Country and ruthlessness against those who would destroy it.

The Aftermath
The establishment has no comprehension of what they have created. They have tunnel vision. Their World view contains only Russian Collusion and the Ukraine. There is nothing else. Yesterday Maxine Watters stated she has no facts, but she knows with absolute certainty that Russia got Trump Elected. The fact that Mueller spent 2 years and millions of dollars and found nothing has no bearing on her beliefs. This is the clinical definition of DELUSIONAL. ( Also called TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME !) Everything the Dems will continue to do will be an attempt to fulfill their delusion (definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome). It’s going to be entertaining to watch.
Just wait until President Trump is free to do as he pleases. He will have no need to worry about the consequences of his actions draining the Swamp, or revealing the treachery of the Deep State or exposing corruption at home or internationally. What can they do, Impeach him again? I don’t think even they are so delusional they would want to crown him twice. He will be free to clean up the messes of D.C. as he pleases. Just as he promised he would do. The establishment has no idea of the bulldozer headed their way.
And The Deplorables
The Deplorables will be ecstatic., They have a champion they can count on to have their best interests and the interests of the U.S.A. as his guiding light at all times. The number Deplorables is growing and it will not stop, and their enthusiasm will never wain. They have a KING!
Enjoy the show.