Following are the events (in reverse order) that must transpire for the Sixth Seal Time Line.
9) When Satan arrives, he replaces the ten heads of the Beast with his own fallen angels.
8) The world’s financial system(the Beast) is controlled by seven nations with ten administrators. This system will control all transactions in the World and all who want to participate in commerce-buy, sell, work- must belong. (the Mark of the Beast)
7) The whole World, including the United States, “signs on” to a ONE WORLD financial system.
6) There must be a world wide catastrophic financial collapse brought on by unsustainable debt. The United States must dissolve it’s sovereign right to economic freedom, joining the World in this financial misadventure.
5) For this to happen, the constitution, as it has been understood for over 234 years, will need to be circumvented. To do this, the Supreme court will need to allow it. So, the court will need to change.
4) changing the Supreme Court composition will take time or drastic measures. My vote goes to “Drastic Measures” – Packing The Court.
3) To pack the Court, the Law must be changed. To change the Law both Houses of Congress must pass and the President must sign a new law changing the composition of the Supreme Court.
2) For both Houses of Congress to pass such a Law, both will need to be controlled by the same Party as the President.
1)To achieve this either both Georgia Senate races go to the Democrats, or over time Washington DC and Puerto Rico become States. I don’t think we have the time for this. I give it to the Georgia Races.
These events will transpire! The exact timing is a question only God can answer. He is control of everything. So, even though these coming events are very disheartening , it’s reassuring to know why they are happening, and that God IS in Control.
All events are part of his plan for the return of Christ to Earth, and before Christ can return Satan is allowed to Tempt the World.
Keep your eyes and ears open.
Keep the Faith. The ride is about to get bumpy. Events can happen very rapidly. Knowing the reason for the bumps smooths the path!