scared dems

scared to death

Queen of the Swamp:Scared to Death

Why did Nancy delay the sending of the articles of impeachment to the Senate? After the original hearings were over, and she realized she was in a worse place than when she started, she looked for a new way to leverage this hoax. The original “NEED FOR SPEED” was to get the “BUZZ” going against the President and then have all of the Holidays for it to fester among the public. Didn’t happen. The only thing achieved was total disinterest. Now what? Continue down the path with the original purpose. STOP DONALD TRUMPS RE-ELECTION. It has never been about impeachment, it’s just the political vehicle they’re using after ripping it from the heart of the constitution.

Scared to Death about WHAT?

One thing and one thing only. BERNIE SANDERS!!!!!!! Who’s left standing right now? Warren is falling, and doomed, Biden can’t gain a point in popularity, anyone else is irrelevant. Warren supporters will go to Sanders, leaving Biden vs. Sanders with Sanders walking away. The Dems greatest nightmare. Biden may be weak and fatally flawed, but in respect to anyone else they have, he is the most electable. Sanders, on the other hand is completely and totally not electable in this country at this time. The Dems knew this four years ago, and stole the nomination from him then. They will do everything they can to steal it from him this time. It’s just that it’s a lot more complicated this time.

Scared a $$$$BILLION$$$$ out of me

Why do you think Bloomberg entered the race? He has no hope of wining, and he knows it. But, he hates Trump more then he loves his Money(just some of it). THAT’S A LOT! What will his entry do. He hopes to create just enough disarray to produce a brokered convention. Not necessarily for him, but for anyone but Sanders. (Clinton?)They all know Sanders vs. Trump equals a Republican government top to bottom. Scary!


Anything that delays the trial in the Senate will keep Senators off the campaign trail-mainly Sanders. Hard to win primaries when you can’t campaign because you’re stuck in the Senate six days a week. Look for this to drag on for as long as possible. If the Dems could, they would take the trial past the Democratic convention-they can only hope. What the Dems are forgetting is the the delaying tactics such as witnesses, could very well destroy Biden. But if it helps to destroys Sanders chances, they would throw their mothers to the wolves. (Nice Group). And the delaying has already started. Nancy is sending seven Managers with the articles to the Senate. (this must be the limit, or she would have sent 232). Each mgr, gets their own time for presentation and questioning, so the more the better. Keep in mind that everything the Dems do as you watch this unfold, is to lengthen the trial. It shouldn’t be so frustrating to watch when you know why things are as they are. Don’t be surprised by anything the Dems do, they’re nothing if not creative.

The scary Conclusion (for the Dems)

The Democrats think they are climbing a mountain to save the country. But, their reality actually being upside down, their climbing to the bottom of a pit. They just keep digging deeper and have no clue. This has always been about the election, never about impeachment or the Constitution or the salvation of our country. Its all about their survival. They think they can control the electorate, but as Lincoln said “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time”. And after 70 years of deception and progressive overreach the Dems have reached the end of their rope. I think Bernie will end up with the nomination, but it could be Hillary, who would not do much better than Sanders. I hope for Sanders candidacy because I want to see the Lord in action decapitating the Democratic Party. They had a chance to regroup after the 2016 election, but allowed their arrogance to blind them to their problems. Too bad! Their destruction will be a thing to behold. Many of them will never realize it wasn’t Trump that caused their distruction, but it was themselves. Most likely a new Progressive party will be born out of this mess, and the days of Americas two party system will be at an end. The Dems would then have to caucus with the Progressives to have any power at all, taking them even further left, if possible.(finally a place for the Never Trumpers)

Keep Watch, God is in Control

Gods Path is Always Interesting!


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